Seamlessly monitor and control your printing resources while providing secure print release and print policies to encourage responsible printing.
PaperCut MF is a comprehensive copy and print management system designed to seamlessly monitor and control your resources with easy-to-use administrative and user tools that can be securely accessed from anywhere on the network through a web browser.
Key Features
Track and Control
Walk-up / off-the-glass photocopying using hardware or software solutions.
Allowing admin control from anywhere on the network.
With Xerox MFPs with Network Accounting / JBA and supports most modern printers.
Cross-platform support
For both servers and clients. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Differential copy/print charging
Allows costs to be defined, offers varied prices for color, duplex and charge to shared accounts.
Print release and secure printing
In open access environments including job redirection.
Ability to run on top of leading 3rd party Relational Database Management Systems
(RDBMS) including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, etc.
Open Architecture
With a powerful scripting language, source code access and API documentation, XML Web Services and layered architecture.
Find Your Perfect Print Solution
To help us better understand your current printing needs and provide tailored recommendations, we’ve created a quick and easy contact form.