Protect Your Small Business From These Common Cyberattacks

With the increased dependency on technology, there’s no question that cyberattacks are on the rise. However, many people have the misconception that cybercriminals only target large organizations. In reality, nearly half of all cyberattacks occur against small businesses.


Cybercriminals target small businesses because they are generally more vulnerable and often don’t have the appropriate security measures in place. Here are some of the most common types of cyberattacks that could threaten the livelihood of your small business:


Denial of Service (DoS) Attack

With this type of attack, malicious attackers use multiple computers to send an overwhelming amount of data and information to the point where your system overloads and shuts down. Monitoring unusual spikes in traffic is one way to avoid this cyber traffic jam. It’s also critical that you regularly update your security software to prevent this type of attack.


Inside or Employee Attack

A commonly overlooked threat is when an employee decides to misuse his or her access to sensitive data. When terminating employees, be sure to revoke their access to all data and take their keys to the office. Don’t give disgruntled employees the opportunity to expose your company’s data.



This type of cyberattack is a malicious software used to gain access to your system and wreak havoc. Make it a policy for employees not to open emails from people they don’t know, and keep antivirus software updated to create a moat of protection around your business.


Password Attacks

Using a weak password makes it easy for criminals to open the doors to all of your sensitive information. As a best practice, create passwords using a combination of an uncommon word and numbers or characters. Change passwords frequently to throw hackers off of your trail.


Compromised WiFi Connection

Unsecure public WiFi connections are more likely to be hacked. It’s important to note that your WiFi network does not end at your office wall. In fact, your WiFi network can extend as much as 300 feet beyond your building. Prevent malicious characters from gaining access to your wireless network by properly securing it.


You can’t afford for your small business to experience a cyberattack. Make yourself aware of these common threats and make cybersecurity a priority. If you are finding it difficult to stay on top of protecting your systems and your valuable company information, a proven Managed IT Services provider can help. Contact us today for a no obligation technology assessment and see if your business may be at risk


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